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Approved Minutes, May 12, 2010
City of Salem Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes

Board or Committee:             Redevelopment Authority, Regular Meeting
Date and Time:                  Wednesday May 12 2010, at 6:00pm
Meeting Location:               Third Floor Conference Room, 120 Washington Street
Members Present:                Chairperson Michael Brennan, Robert Mitnik, Conrad Baldini
Members Absent:         Russell Vickers
Others Present:                 Director of Planning and Community Development
                                        Lynn Duncan, Economic Development Manager Tom Daniel
Recorder:                               Lindsay Howlett

Chairperson Michael Brennan calls the meeting to order.

Executive Director’s Report
Portable Signs - Duncan states the SRA was invited to the City Council meeting on portable signs last night. Duncan states Councillor Lovely requested moving forward to allow a-frame signs. Duncan adds the current a-frame signs outside of existing shops are actually illegal but the ordinance is not enforced. Duncan further states the ordinance idea is to manage the signs to prevent clutter and/or maintain accessible sidewalk access. Duncan adds these signs would come before the DRB and SRA. Duncan further states the goal of the portable signs is to provide five feet of unobstructed sidewalk and if that is not possible to provide a minimum of three foot six inches with the approval from the sign review committee and the a member of the disabilities commission.

Outdoor Cafés - Duncan states Councillor Lovely thinks tomorrow night the outdoor café issue will be referred to the committee on ordinances, licenses and legal affairs. Duncan adds members of the SRA may also be interested in attending the meeting. Duncan notes the Karl Seidman study recommended creating one stop processing for outdoor cafes. She will let the SRA know when the next meeting will be held.

Old Salem Jail – Duncan informs the SRA that the Old Salem Jail is in the process of negotiating a lease with a potential restaurant operator. Duncan adds the restaurant is prepared to start construction once the lease is negotiated and expects construction to last two months. Duncan states the ribbon cutting will be held on Thursday May 27th at 10:30am. Duncan adds the tenants will move in on June 1st. Duncan further adds how the new tenant spaces are renting out very well.

Five Broad Street – Duncan states the intent is to bring forward the results of the feasibility study. Duncan adds the moving of the City Hall Annex was not recommended by the architectural firm performing the study. There is not a date for the next meeting yet.

Parking Study – Daniel states the third public workshop was held at the end of April. Daniel adds there have been revisions submitted to the consultant and the final report will be issued on Friday. Daniel further adds the next step will be to go before City Council and provide them with a briefing of the study.

Brennan asks about the progress of the new South River Harborwalk.

Duncan replies that it is going great and that they had to change the way the fence was being constructed due to some underground conduit discovered on the land. Duncan adds the project is moving ahead and should be completed by July with the ribbon cutting held on July 15th. Duncan adds the Peabody Street Park is having punch list items identified and will be part of the July 15th event.

Duncan adds Salem has submitted an application for $100,000 grant for design of the Essex Street pedestrian mall with focus on the East India Square. Duncan notes it is a national competition and that they used the Harborwalk and Peabody Street Park as examples of urban design work.

Old/New Business

  • Utility Box Public Art Project: Discussion of proposed demonstration project
Daniel explains the proposed demonstration project is to see how it might be received by the community and to gauge the overall level of interest in the project.

David Pelletier and Steve Feldmann are present to represent the Utility Box Public Art project.

Pelletier explains how he has noticed how other communities have transformed their utility boxes from the traditional silver or black and have turned them into a community art project. Pelletier adds the project could potentially expand to promote the city or just be cool art. Pelletier suggests it could be made humorous, amusing, or whimsical and will hopefully get some great art out there.

Pelletier explains for the first test box they chose Gulu Gulu’s 4’x5’ utility box as it is independently owned and they would not need permission from the service provider in this instance.

Feldmann states that he is currently in touch with artists and has agreed to fund the demonstration project. Feldmann explains his artist has a lot of different art.

Pelletier adds there is also a small rusty sprinkler box that they thought could also be part of the art to act as a sample of what could be done on a smaller scale. Pelletier states they hope they can get this demonstration up and running as soon as possible. Pelletier adds they are before the SRA tonight to see if they could receive permission to move forward as planned.

Baldini asks who would have approval of the paintings.

Feldmann responds the art would go under the review process.

Daniel recommends the SRA grant conceptual approval tonight with the proposed image to go back before the DRB for review and approval. Daniel adds if the art is ready the DRB could review it this month.

Mitnik suggests eventually the art project should have some sort of structure.

Pelletier agrees.

Daniel tells Pelletier and Feldmann to bring in an image to the DRB for the end of the month such as sketches and/or an example of the work.

Baldini:        Motion to approve, seconded by Mitnik. Passes 3-0.

Small Project Review

  • 278 Derby Street (Salem Beerworks): Discussion of proposed signage, awnings, and redesign of outdoor dining area
Joe Slesar is present to discuss the proposed signage, awnings and redesign of the outdoor dining area at 278 Derby Street.

Daniel states that the DRB reviewed the 278 Derby Street proposal and thought it was fantastic after making a few small tweaks that have since been incorporated into the plan.

Slesar states the goal is to improve the entrance to the building as it is not clear it is a restaurant and is currently dangerous with cars coming in and out directly in front of the entrance. Slesar states the building design has been in place since 1996 and they want to freshen up the front and tie it into the streetscape.

Slesar briefly describes the differences from before and after while working the board through the handouts. Slesar states it will have a relatively clean and modern look and feel.

Mitnik: Motion to accept DRB’s recommendation, seconded by Baldini. Passes 3-0.

Outdoor Café Permit

  • 87 Washington Street (Green Land Café): Discussion of proposed expansion of outdoor dining area
Paul Bolden is present to discuss the expansion of the outdoor dining area at 87 Washington Street.

Daniel states that last year the outdoor dining area was approved but since then the Greenland Café has expanded. Daniel adds the outdoor café is looking to expand from ten seats to twenty out back. Daniel further adds the front furniture is proposed to flip to the other side of the entrance.

Daniel adds the Glenn Kennedy from the DRB has reviewed the furniture (revised to be square top with chrome finishes) and has recommended approval.

Mitnik states that he likes the revised location of the tables at the front entrance.

Baldini:        Motion to approve as recommended by the DRB, seconded by Mitnik. Passes 3-0.

Sign, Awning, and Lighting Review

  • 184 Essex Street (Omen): Discussion of proposed signage
Christian Day is present to discuss the proposed signage for 184 Essex Street.

Daniel explains to the board how Omen is a new business in the Museum Place Mall. Daniel states the DRB has recommended a small alteration in the letter size as shown in the hand outs today.

Daniel adds the DRB addressed how the signage is difficult at the Museum Place Mall with the awnings and has thought of how to address those challenges.

Day states how he does not think the mall fits Salem and instead looks like one long office building. Day explains how he took the colonial sign style and centrally located it above his store front. Day states the sign will be made of a light PVC with an inch of space between where awning comes out and where the sign allowing snow to pass through. Day explains how this approach takes advantage of the space and makes it look branded. Day adds he hopes to inspire other retailers located in the mall to update their signage as well.

Mitink: Motion to accept the DRB recommendation, seconded by Baldini. Passes 3-0.

  • 38 Front Street (The Beehive): Discussion of proposed signage
Daniel states the owners of Roost are opening up a second shop called The Beehive. Daniel adds there will be two separate entrances but the shops will be connected on the interior. Daniel describes the proposed sign as a simple graphic showing a beehive with a few additional window decals. Daniel adds the DRB really liked it thought it was playful, clean and worked well with the concept and building.

Mitnik: Motion to approve, seconded by Baldini. Passes 3-0.

  • 230 Essex Street (Urban Elements): Discussion of proposed signage, lighting and exterior painting
Daniel states how Urban Elements wants to update their look. Daniel describes their approach—painting over the exterior green color, installing a new wall sign with lights above it and two banners. Daniel adds the DRB liked the design a lot. Daniel further adds the window decals would be removed and the glass would be clear and open. Daniel states the wall sign is made of stainless steel letters on a rusticated piece of wood which is also used in the store.

Baldini:        Motion to approve as recommended by DRB, seconded by Mitnik. Passes 3-0.

  • 10 Derby Square (10 Derby Square Building): Discussion of proposed signage and entry awning
Daniel describes how the tenants want their building to be identifiable and more easily located. Daniel states the building is made up of multiple tenants. Daniel summarizes the proposal contents—a large number ten mounted on the side of the building, a new open awning, and a standard tenant sign package that is a pairing of a wall sign and a blade sign to set the parameters of all tenant signage moving forward. Daniel adds the tenants’ actual signs will need to be reviewed.

Mitnik: Motion to accept the DRBS recommendation, seconded by Baldini. Passes 3-0.

  • 244 Essex Street (Mighty Aphrodite): Discussion of proposed signage
Daniel states a new maternity consignment shop is proposing a very straight forward sign that is an oval shape mounted on the existing bracket. Daniel adds the DRB thought it looked great.

Brennan asks how specialty shops are doing in downtown Salem.
Duncan responds how she thinks it is the niche. Daniel adds how Mud Puddle Toys, Hip Baby Gear, Two Girls Shop and Mighty Aphrodite all work together and it becomes more of a critical mass to pull people here.

Mitnik: Motion to accept DRB recommendation, seconded by Baldini. Passes 3-0.

  • 90 Lafayette Street (Salem Theatre Company): Discussion of proposed signage
Daniel summarizes the proposed signage as a simple sign with the Salem Theatre Company logo and name. Daniel adds the DRB recommended the logo be raised off the plane of the wall to add dimensionality to the sign. The STC agreed and with that the DRB recommended approval.

Baldini:        Motion to accept DRB recommendation, seconded by Mitnik. Passes 3-0.

        Approval of the minutes from the April 14, 2010 regular meeting.

Mitnik: Motion to accept the minutes, seconded by Baldini. Passes 3-0.


Baldini:        Motion to adjourn, seconded by Mitnik. Passes 3-0.

Meeting is adjourned at 6:57pm